Thursday, November 30, 2006
Below are the top ten questions that Lawrence County, Missouri Circuit Judge Larry Meyer should be made to answer before being summarily removed from the bench for destruction of justice in sentencing 50-year-old Kenneth Slaght to probation following Slaght’s guilty verdict in the rape and sodomy of his 9-year-old grand-daughter:
10. Hey, Larry, did you forget to take your medication?
9. Have you sought psychiatric counseling for your misogyny thingy?
8. Was this some sort of sick joke, you know, a bet made after too many drinks?
7. Were you having a bad hair day or something?
6. Did you exceed your monthly jail cell allotment?
5. Forgot your hearing aid batteries—AGAIN—huh?!
4. Were you thinking, “She asked for it!?”
3. What if he’d killed her…what THEN?
2. Would you be as kind to your OWN grand-daughter?
1. What does Slaght have on YOU???
I never have trusted lawyers. And it’s instances such as this that make me doubt that there’s any semblance of logic, compassion or reason in those charged with guaranteeing JUSTICE FOR ALL.
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
The American people have spoken. Or, rather, their votes—however misguided, uninformed and well intentioned—have been counted. As much can be gleaned from the mid-term election results from what was NOT said as what was so loudly heralded. But, after the dust settles and reality sets in, we’re in for what will prove to be our rudest awakening yet.
We’re at war. Until now we had a chance of winning the War on Terror. Now, with the Legion of Libocrats licking their chops at the taste of victory for victory’s sake, every drop of American blood spilled and every American life sacrificed in the effort will have been for naught. “Namby-Pamby” Nancy Pelosi is “fighting” to elevate John “Jack-in-the-box” Murtha as her “ally” in the implementation of what they’re calling “phased redeployment” in Iraq. It won’t be long now until it will become abundantly clear from whom the bell tolls.
It’s just another episode in the never-ending series of S&M from the Libocrats. No, not what you might immediately assume. The S&M here are the patently typical Smoke&Mirrors. Or as Shakespeare so prophetically put it, “…it is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.” Though I’d be willing to debate the sound and fury in this one.
All levity aside, patriotism, part and parcel, is about to become so distorted and diluted as to make it wholly indistinguishable from cowardice, conciliation and concession. Rather than stand up to our enemies and smite them, we turn tail and slither back into our dungeon of defeat. What’s worse, instead of confining our enemies on their own turf, we’re all but DARING any and every would-be or actual terrorist to “bring it on” here in our Homeland.
Now is the most difficult time in our history as a nation for our military. They’re up against the most formidable obstacle they’ve ever faced: unpredictable and able to strike without warning, without provocation, and seemingly without respect for human life. And that’s just the U.S. Congress. In the meantime, they’re also fighting terrorists.
The U.S. military I served in was different than the one we have today. In my day, we were allowed to win. We were encouraged to win. We were EXPECTED to win. We were given the full support of a unified nation, unfettered by petty political posturing. And we didn’t have the libocrat media picking and choosing derogatory details to distract us from our duties and demoralize the American public.
Patriotism is all but dead. I enjoy listening to radio shows from yesteryear. They recall a time when to be an American meant we didn’t let ANYONE get the better of us, no matter what. We were the best, and we ALL agreed on that one concept. If it came to war, we stood together, shoulder to shoulder and fought back home and on the battlefield to come home victorious. But that was then. Unfortunately, this is now.
If we are to survive as a country, a superpower and a leader of nations, we must return to the mold from which we were formed and remake ourselves in our own image, an image that each and every one of us can wear with pride and prowess. We need to let the rest of the world know beyond the shadow of a doubt that the United States of America is made up of United States of Americans!
Sunday, October 29, 2006
Election day is mere hours away. And voting seems like such a futile effort sometimes. Know why?? It’s the whole election process. Politics these days are like diarrhea—particularly at election time—unbearably discomforting, ugly, messy and coming with no warning whatsoever. Only when it’s over can we hope for any sense of relief.
Political campaigns are no longer about the issues. They abound with tales of trip and flights of fantasy that rival some of the greatest works of fiction ever written. It’s not about what a candidate CAN do, it’s about what an opponent DIDN’T or WON’T or CAN'T do. It’s not about today; it’s about what happened 20 years ago, magnified to astronomical proportions to sensationalize a personal characteristic that was a consequence of youth and not an ingrained fatal flaw.
I register a party affiliation only because I have to, if I want to vote in primary elections. Otherwise I wouldn’t waste the time. And, surprising as it might seem (to politicians, that is, because we lambs of the general public are all to aware), the negativity into which the campaign process has mutated is the quickest way to shut down my senses and cause me to seek a less caustic, more pleasant environment.
The worst aspect of the treacherous truth-be-damned tirades is when you find yourself seated in front of a radio or television set subjected to the volume of vociferous vocalizations concerning aspirants who have absolutely nothing to do with your morals, money or mission in life. I speak of the agony of being in a jurisdiction outside that governing your own political purview. Not only am I bombarded with worse than white noise from the babblings of the fools, but it wouldn’t matter a hill-o-beans anyway because they couldn’t get my vote even if they crossed my palm with coin of the realm (not like that hasn’t been tried before, but, thankfully, I never had the dubious distinction myself).
Politics is one reason I don’t watch too much mainstream television. It like being forced to watch a television channel with nothing but commercials. Not one sane—or even insane—person would put up with that kind of torture. The digital age, if nothing else, has made people more aware of the world around them. This also tends to expose BS for what it is, not matter how it’s packaged, who’s promoting it, and no matter how many gazillion times you hear it. Something along the lines of…if it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, sounds like a duck…
If I had my way, there’d be no political parties. We’d have no expensive, exhaustive, excruciating exhibitions of erroneous eruptions ever again. I’d abolish political action committees, special interest groups and eliminate big money influence. I’d set term limits to one term, no matter what office. I’d restore public service to serving the public and not the private interests of those who serve. Pay raises would be at the discretion of the voters and not the elected. I’d prohibit public opinion polls, since they perpetually proclaim previously prepared propaganda. Oh, to have vanilla public servants who are driven by the urgency of the issues and not vice-versa.
Ah, but I am a student of reality, however much I fantasize about a better world. As such, I return to the title of this blog and what little control I can wield in this fall of furious firestorms. It’s a given that we can’t stop them from speaking evil. But, with the click of the remote or the push of a power button, we can instantaneously terminate their ability to force us to see and hear their evil. So, that’s two out of three in OUR favor.
I wonder…if a fool’s filth falls in the forest and there are no voters to hear it, does it really make a sound?? Sadly, we may never know the answer to this quintessential question.
I long for the day when politicians finally come to realize that by avoiding the issues, shifting the focus on lies and innuendo, they are only fooling themselves. But, in the final analysis, we get what we pay for. And if you don’t contribute your vote’s worth, you’ve suffer right along with the rest of us, only without a valid reason to complain. So, we’ll just blame you, since we exercised our patriotic duty and you joined the ranks of the slackers whose whining is always the loudest.
O give me a home where the candidates roam and the libs and conservatives play; where seldom is heard an encouraging word, and you can’t trust a word that they say.
Voting is a civic duty. It’s a shame those we elect don’t consider their offices likewise. We’re all one big dysfunctional family, at the mercy of our uncaring, unsharing, unscrupulous UNCLE SAM.
Election day is mere hours away. And voting seems like such a futile effort sometimes. Know why?? It’s the whole election process. Politics these days are like diarrhea—particularly at election time—unbearably discomforting, ugly, messy and coming with no warning whatsoever. Only when it’s over can we hope for any sense of relief.
Political campaigns are no longer about the issues. They abound with tales of trip and flights of fantasy that rival some of the greatest works of fiction ever written. It’s not about what a candidate CAN do, it’s about what an opponent DIDN’T or WON’T or CAN'T do. It’s not about today; it’s about what happened 20 years ago, magnified to astronomical proportions to sensationalize a personal characteristic that was a consequence of youth and not an ingrained fatal flaw.
I register a party affiliation only because I have to, if I want to vote in primary elections. Otherwise I wouldn’t waste the time. And, surprising as it might seem (to politicians, that is, because we lambs of the general public are all to aware), the negativity into which the campaign process has mutated is the quickest way to shut down my senses and cause me to seek a less caustic, more pleasant environment.
The worst aspect of the treacherous truth-be-damned tirades is when you find yourself seated in front of a radio or television set subjected to the volume of vociferous vocalizations concerning aspirants who have absolutely nothing to do with your morals, money or mission in life. I speak of the agony of being in a jurisdiction outside that governing your own political purview. Not only am I bombarded with worse than white noise from the babblings of the fools, but it wouldn’t matter a hill-o-beans anyway because they couldn’t get my vote even if they crossed my palm with coin of the realm (not like that hasn’t been tried before, but, thankfully, I never had the dubious distinction myself).
Politics is one reason I don’t watch too much mainstream television. It like being forced to watch a television channel with nothing but commercials. Not one sane—or even insane—person would put up with that kind of torture. The digital age, if nothing else, has made people more aware of the world around them. This also tends to expose BS for what it is, not matter how it’s packaged, who’s promoting it, and no matter how many gazillion times you hear it. Something along the lines of…if it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, sounds like a duck…
If I had my way, there’d be no political parties. We’d have no expensive, exhaustive, excruciating exhibitions of erroneous eruptions ever again. I’d abolish political action committees, special interest groups and eliminate big money influence. I’d set term limits to one term, no matter what office. I’d restore public service to serving the public and not the private interests of those who serve. Pay raises would be at the discretion of the voters and not the elected. I’d prohibit public opinion polls, since they perpetually proclaim previously prepared propaganda. Oh, to have vanilla public servants who are driven by the urgency of the issues and not vice-versa.
Ah, but I am a student of reality, however much I fantasize about a better world. As such, I return to the title of this blog and what little control I can wield in this fall of furious firestorms. It’s a given that we can’t stop them from speaking evil. But, with the click of the remote or the push of a power button, we can instantaneously terminate their ability to force us to see and hear their evil. So, that’s two out of three in OUR favor.
I wonder…if a fool’s filth falls in the forest and there are no voters to hear it, does it really make a sound?? Sadly, we may never know the answer to this quintessential question.
I long for the day when politicians finally come to realize that by avoiding the issues, shifting the focus on lies and innuendo, they are only fooling themselves. But, in the final analysis, we get what we pay for. And if you don’t contribute your vote’s worth, you’ve suffer right along with the rest of us, only without a valid reason to complain. So, we’ll just blame you, since we exercised our patriotic duty and you joined the ranks of the slackers whose whining is always the loudest.
O give me a home where the candidates roam and the libs and conservatives play; where seldom is heard an encouraging word, and you can’t trust a word that they say.
Voting is a civic duty. It’s a shame those we elect don’t consider their offices likewise. We’re all one big dysfunctional family, at the mercy of our uncaring, unsharing, unscrupulous UNCLE SAM.
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
(This was just way too funny not to share.)
Senator Hillary Clinton was invited to address a major gathering of the American Indian National Convention two weeks ago in upstate New York. She spoke for almost an hour on her future plans for increasing every native American's present standard of living, should she one day become the first female president. She referred to her career as a New York Senator, how she had signed "YES" to every Indian issue that came to her desk for approval.
Although the senator was vague on the details of her plan, she seemed most enthusiastic about her future ideas for helping her "red sisters and brothers." At the conclusion of her speech, the Tribes presented the senator with a plaque inscribed with her new American Indian Name --- Walking Eagle.
The proud senator then departed in her motorcade, waving to the crowds. A news reporter later inquired of the group of chiefs as to how they came to select the new name for Senator Clinton.
They explained that Walking Eagle is the name given to a bird so full of shit that it can no longer fly.
I came up with this idea while driving in to work today. It struck me as so over-the-top that it transcends the patent political ping-pong that continues to stymie efforts to do little more than apply a band-aid to the 2,000-mile gaping wound that is the border between the U.S and Mexico.
Money is always the sticking point. But with my simple little plan, we can do way more than merely finance the construction of a barrier to one-up the Great Wall of China. And the simplicity of it will appeal to legislators on both sides of the aisle in both houses of Congress and tickle the President beyond distraction. Not only that, not a nickel of bona fide taxpayer contributions will be required to accomplish this Herculean feat. Our economy will enjoy a virtually instantaneous positive effect once my “plan” is implemented.
So, what are we talking about here?? We’ve got oh-I-don’t-know-how-many million illegal Mexican (I pick on them because they are unquestionably the vast majority) aliens euphemistically referred to by libocrats as “undocumented aliens.” Efforts are afoot to grant them drivers’ licenses, voting rights and government benefits simply to gain votes. This sordid scam of a scheme is costing American taxpayers dearly and diluting our economy as a result of billions of dollars earned here that are floated back home to feather Mexican nests and prop up an anemic third world economy.
My solution is three-fold.
First, you identify the illegal aliens. Hey, if we can conduct a census, we can hunt them down and count them. We DOCUMENT then as illegal resident aliens and issue them provisional identity cards for the purpose of taxing (at a rate to be determined, but not less than twenty percent to simplify the math) their Made-in-the-USA income. Along with this come stiffer penalties for employers who don’t play nice.
Second, we temporarily halt all international monetary transfers from the U.S. to Mexico, say for about a year, to get the newly documented illegal aliens used to not doing it anymore. This will piss off a bunch of Mexicans on both sides of the border, but it will keep a pretty fair chunk of change within the economy where it was earned. This will eventually be a deterrent to many would-be wetbacks who won’t bother to make the trip. And it will encourage those already here to: 1) vamoose back where them came from, 2) legitimize themselves, or 3) continue to pay the price for being here illegally.
Thus, we have the concept of the invisible fence: if you take away the carte blanche that enticed them here, you remove the temptation to take the risk. But, just in case, it’s always better to be safe than sorry. So, we’re going to need one more phase—the actual physical fence.
Third—and the beauty of this is so poetic—we let the “windfall” tax dollars collected from the resident illegal aliens PAY FOR THE FENCE!!! Freeing up congressionally mandated budget dollars would allow us to beef up our border patrol forces during and subsequent to the fence’s construction and enable us to better screen the criminal element that regularly crosses both ways in the guise of propriety. And I doubt it would be difficult to find temporary construction labor to work on the south side of the border who would help build the fence that will keep them securely in their Mexican homeland once construction is complete.
Once the libocrats stop whining over the loss of votes my plan eliminates, and when the media quickly loses interest from it not being a partisan propaganda playground, America will cease to have a revolving back door. That’s a start. Then we look to our northern border, eh?!
AMERICA—Apprehend Mexicans Expecting
Riches Infiltrating Country Above
Friday, October 20, 2006
Ohio is the latest state to halt an execution to allow a death row inmate to join a lawsuit claiming lethal injection is “cruel and inhuman punishment” and therefore in violation of the US Constitution.
This takes so little to figure out that even I can’t understand why the libocrats, the media and the judicial system continue ad nauseum to pander to the perpetrators and denigrate the victims. Okay, I’ll spell it out. Did even one single solitary murder victim have a chance to challenge the fact that the cause of his/her death was cruel and inhuman?? Don’t waste your brain power—the answer is undeniably, deafeningly NO!
And, since there have been numerous executions to date where lethal injection was the method du jour, must we now call for the exhumation and resurrection of all those criminals to allow them to jump on the bandwagon? That idiotic idea makes about as much sense as allowing those awaiting their just dessert to prolong public agony and expense while they continue to breathe the very air that they themselves deprived of their victims.
As their victims suffered, so should the killers suffer. Lethal injection, electrocution, firing squad, hanging—none is more cruel and inhuman than the taking of an innocent life. Why should we make it easier on the criminal than the criminal did for his/her victim(s)?? What’s fair is fair, and what’s going on in our nation now is just as “cruel and inhuman” as the crimes committed by the criminals being mollycoddled by a justice system out of touch with both the spirit and the letter of the law of the land. Thanks, libocrats! That’s a debt to society you’ll never be able to repay.
Lady Justice’s blindness is a virtue. Her bleeding heart is a terminal illness that can be cured only when she heals herself and once again provides …justice for ALL!
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
If it weren’t for the media who seem morbidly mesmerized by “legend in his own mind” former president Bill “I did NOT have sex with that woman” Clinton, we wouldn’t be wasting our OWN time with a mere continuation of something he “perfected” while he was still in office.
He “mastered” rewriting history in and out of the halls and bedrooms of the White House as he played it out THEN and now he’s just adding chapters to the book of “not what really happened but what I SAY happened and if I say it enough times everybody will believe it.” He “contritely” ADMITTED lying to the American people after he got caught with his “cigar” in the….well, you know what I’m talking about.
What unbelievaBill and his legion of libocrats just can’t seem to comprehend is that the TRUTH IS TEFLON. Nothing sticks to it, no matter how hard you try to apply “corrective cosmetics” to it. Only Ill Will Bill could stoop so low as to use the world’s greatest nemesis to his own advantage in trying to restore himself to the former glory about which only he and his sycophants can fantasize. If I didn’t know better (and I DON’T) I could even begin to wonder whether there’s a connection between William bin Clinton and Osama bin Laden.
Just because he’s a former president of the United States doesn’t make every word that spews from his oral cavity (if indeed that’s where it’s all coming from) gospel. Perhaps the smoke and mirrors that propelled him beyond the Peter Principle still hold him in awe of himself. Maybe he’s feeling guilt over his own inadequacy—both moral and political. Whatever the case, try as he might, he can fool some of the people all the time, but he can’t fool ME!!
Sorry, Slick Willie, if you insist, your lies will fry you, but the TRUTH shall set you FREE!!
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
It’s time to rezone the real estate at First Avenue and 46th Street in downtown New York City. In case you’re wondering, that’s the address of the UN—that’s short for UTTER NONSENSE.
How can we provide a venue for the largest world body the majority of which to plot against us RIGHT IN OUR OWN FRONT YARD????
And what’s worse, how can we allow the president of a country so steeped in terrorism and with an atomic agenda to annihilate America into our midst?? By allowing this branded Axis of Evil-doer to set foot and walk freely within our borders is ludicrous! It’s insane! It flies in the face of our justifiable condemnation of the genocidal ties that bind Iran to the tentacles of terrorism that threaten our very existence!!
And Iran isn’t the Lone Ranger here, folks. There are countless other member states who openly conduct clandestine conspiratorial conclaves RIGHT UNDER OUR NOSES. The United States of America is the proverbial irresistible force being met by the proverbial immovable object embodied by the UN. It’s no different than a bank president inviting in a group of known bank robbers to case the joint and then wondering how the bank got robbed.
If we dug deep enough, I am confident we would find that a substantial amount of ground work for the gamut of terrorist attacks we have suffered was laid under the roof and auspices of the UN. Doesn’t that seem a bit strange that we could even THINK of allowing such a thing to happen virtually in plain sight RIGHT BEFORE OUR EYES???
We’ve been Mr. Nice Guy far too long and much to our own peril. Let some other country foot the bill and pay the price we’ve been paying for a while. I think it should have been written into the UN charter to rotate the venue ever so often as a matter of mutual responsibility. And since it wasn’t, I say we strongly “suggest” it NOW. I say we terminate the lease and put the property to a more peaceful, practical use. Even if we razed the buildings and left a vacant lot there it would prove to be as beneficial—and certainly less expensive in more than mere monetary terms—as it is right now.
About the only reason for allowing our enemies on our sovereign sacred soil would be so we could keep an eye on them to a certain extent and know their whereabouts at least as long as they’re here. But does that small benefit outweigh the potential harm to be plotted, put together and performed against us??? I think NOT!!
The way I see it, there is only one United Nation, and that’s US, the United States of America.
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
Okay, enough already! How many times does it have to be said?? The Geneva Conventions DO NOT APPLY in an asymmetrical war!!! If you don’t understand that, then YOU need to stuff those rules of engagement into your pocket as your primary weapon of choice and go out hunting your enemy. Your chances of finding and defeating your enemy are pretty slim, since the guys you’re after play by their own rules: NO RULES!!
I have absolutely no doubt that the Islamic militants who are out to annihilate everyone on the face of the Earth but themselves are laughing all the way to the mosque, safe, secure and satisfied that we’re bound by rules that they haven’t the slightest intention to acknowledge, much less follow. How can following the Geneva Conventions possibly be an asset in our attempt to put an end to the madness?? Well, it is an asset—to our adversaries who are taking full advantage of this WEAKNESS in our resolve to win.
Roaches are crawling out of the woodwork from all quarters to attack President Bush, his administration, our troops in the field and our image as “one nation, under God.” It makes no sense to defeat ourselves in the process of all but handing ourselves over benignly to our enemies. Sure we hold ourselves to a higher standard than those barbarians we’re up against. But those standards of conduct apply—and show ONLY apply—in CIVIL discourse, not WAR!!! If we want to win this thing, we’re got to meet the challenges we face with AT LEAST equal force. To do otherwise is to surrender.
Our enemies have changed—make that ELIMINATED—any sense of propriety, rules or respect for humanity in their maniacal jihad against mankind. Until we realize that undeniable fact and respond accordingly, we are prolonging the plague and squandering what’s left of the American way of life for future generations.
Subjecting ourselves to rules our enemies ignore is setting ourselves up with an ironclad guarantee of failure. Any attempt to impose human rights constraints on our adversaries in the Global War on Terror is no different than trying to pet a rabid dog—the fact that you have no intention of hurting the dog in no way is going to prevent that rabid dog from biting you.
For a while there I thought this “fervor” over rules of engagement and the Geneva Conventions was just a libocrat ploy to dethrone the GOP. With that proving to be the mere tip of the iceberg, that makes the whole situation even more critical.
The time is long overdue to replace politics with PATRIOTISM!!! It’s time to stand behind the RED, WHITE and BLUE and do what it takes to crush our enemies before they crush us!!
RED in the blood we’re willing to SACRIFICE for our country
WHITE in our eyes focused on WINNING the War on Terror
BLUE in the skies over America that we MUST restore
Friday, September 15, 2006
I think the conservative talk show hosts must be reading my mind. Though I don’t follow them on a regular basis, I’ve noticed recently that my posts seem to parallel theirs only a day or two behind. They have more resources and time, and I just let things seethe until I have to vent.
You hear a lot of buzz about the topic of establishing English as the official language of the United States. I’ve visited a few websites on the subject, but for my own good, I don’t need to get that deep into the weeds. It’s a simple idea. No need to have committee meetings. No cause for in depth studies. No justification to waste the government’s time and energy…except to make it happen. Ah, but there’s the rub.
Illegal Hispanic (and to a much lesser extent, other) immigrants staged some show a few weeks ago. It was quite a spectacle. It turned my stomach to see—not the Stars & Stripes—a sea of Mexican flags waving in (and polluting) MY AMERICAN AIR!!! They want rights our forefathers fought for handed to them on a silver platter. They got here illegally. It’s only natural that they’d want us to allow them to stay by exempting them from rules and laws by which every native born American citizen is bound. It’s like they think we OWE it to them, or something.
I heard on a radio talk show yesterday that 82 countries around the globe have established English as their official language. Many in Africa, some in the Caribbean and elsewhere. How can we, the bastion of the modern English language and a national presence second to none, be so short-sighted as to refuse to take this simple, yet monumental, step??
Politics! Yeah, it leaves a dirty feel on my fingers for having typed that egregious word. Special interest groups that feed and feed off of illegals in our country, and libocrats in general, including the likes of the ACLU, want us to dilute the very soul of our nation by forcing other languages to be acknowledged, supported and ingrained in our everyday life. Is the very process of becoming a naturalized American citizen being infected by this cancerous disease?? I wonder just how much English the average naturalized citizen really DOES know.
English is not necessarily WHO we are, but it is most definitely WHAT we are!! If you come here to stay, you ought to have the decency, respect and price to learn ENGLISH! I’ve been to other countries where, in order to get around, you HAD to speak their language. Mexico is a perfect example. You don’t see bilingual signs, menus or labels there (beyond border towns). If you can’t understand the language, not only do you miss out of getting the full flavor of the experience, but you won’t find a national infrastructure the least bit interested in making things easy on you by spoon-feeding you to get you through.
AND, it’s utter nonsense to even consider allowing schools in the United States of America to be conducted in anything other than good old American English. It goes against everything that describes us as a country, a nation, a people. It’s misuse of tax payer dollars to dedicate one red cent to non-English educational systems within the United States. Oh, I’m a firm believer in people being polyglots, but if you’re in America, you learn English FIRST!
Maybe if we started at the city level, then the state level, eventually those lofty lawmakers on Capitol Hill might eventually get the idea. It is something I feel is fundamental in our image and absolutely essential to our common understanding.
I honestly fear the day when I stand to say the Pledge of Allegiance (if it's not taken away from us, too) to hear other languages cause a significant loss in the translation. To paraphrase, I hope we will one day become:
…one language, under God, indivisible, with literacy and understanding for ALL!
Thursday, September 14, 2006
Oh, poor babies. Liberals/democrats are all a-titter over a little political fun poking. See what I mean by checking out the following link:,2933,213406,00.html
Irreverent?? Certainly. Politically incorrect? Unquestionably. Does it level the playing field?? Somewhat.
If liberals/democrats can get away with producing an inflammatory film depicting the assassination of President George W. Bush, then they’ve got no reason to complain about something that deals directly about issues that matter to the American public. In fact, the two concepts don’t even come close in comparison. Well, okay, maybe they’re both out there, but hate is more a theme in what the libocrats have in mind.
And, besides, it’s about time we conservatives/Republicans had an outlet to vent our frustrations and incredulity over stunts the libocrats have been pulling for far too long. The way I see it, there OUGHT to be a bounty on illegal immigrants. I’d even go so far as to dedicate a portion of my tax dollars to fund such a program…including a one-way ticket back across the border. Yes, I know not all illegal immigrants aren’t necessarily Mexican, but they make up the lion’s share. And, as one who HAS DONE a lot of the jobs they supposedly do because legitimate Americans won’t, it ought to be a matter of national pride and conscience. They don’t DESERVE to have those jobs, even if they work dirt-cheap. I shudder to think that, because of illegal immigration, Hispanics are soon to represent a majority of our population. Our forefathers must be turning over in their graves.
Furthermore, those top libocrats who are offered up as BB gun and paintball targets themselves have been taking highly visible pot shots at the non-libocrat administration with reckless abandon. At least cardboard targets are symbolic, not wishful assassination attempts, such as the caustic celluloid crap the libocrats are hoping to use to their advantage.
But, like most things done in haste, without a shred of truth or dignity, this, too, shall pass, and in disgraceful failure to boot. It’s fun, though, to watch them squirm when the shoe’s on the other foot.
Thank goodness for our freedom of speech, even when libocrats talk out of both sides of their mouths. It’s times like these that give me reassurance in what lies ahead. So, libocrats, welcome to the ranks of those of us living in the
Land of
(Targets of)
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
Separation of Church and State. Never has a concept been so blasphemously bastardized!! The vast majority of those who brandish it couldn’t articulate its significance to avoid being burned at the stake. Liberals/democrats are making a mockery of the very foundation of our nation by attempting to remove the concept of God from the principles of our existence as a free society.
Case in point (though there are more out there, but not even this one deserves acknowledgement, except to make my point:,2933,213404,00.html
I’m not going to preach to the choir by defining what the concept embodies. If you’re not sure, then check it out. You’ll be amazed when you learn the truth. So amazed that maybe you’ll realize how stupid the liberals/democrats are in their foaming-at-the-mouth fanaticism that has done wonders for our jihadist enemies and malcontents within our own ranks who are quick to criticize and condemn but unmovable when the situation calls for actually DOING something for their “cause” short of running their mouths ad nauseum.
Removing the word “GOD” from government establishments is playing right into the hands of our enemies. It makes the already weak vulnerable to ideological attack by those who despise freedom and abhor free society. But more basic than that, doing such a ridiculous thing has NOTHING WHATSOEVER to do with the subject.
I for one am thankful to GOD that I was born in the United States of America, and I pray to GOD that we are able to maintain our way of life. And I hope to GOD that the day never comes when we stand with hands over hearts and pledge allegiance to the flag (something else that’s constantly under attack—where’s what used to be patriotism??), that we are forbidden from acknowledging GOD as our creator!!
And if it has to come down to it, if need be, let my epitaph read:
One who lived and died thankful to have
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
To the average (if there is such a thing) American, the monotonous drone of liberals/democrats running for office is about as appealing as the boomboomboom of those ear busting, trunk filling loud speakers that are all the rage among the younger set. It’s a lame start if all you have going for you is bashing the current (albeit Republican) administration. It’s okay if you point out what’s wrong. But it doesn’t stop there. To be a contender, you have to have a plan. Naysaying is a non-starter and a quick ender in my book, and I consider myself among those fortunate enough to be deemed “average.”
Thanks to the liberals/democrats (heralded ever blindly/strongly by their pandering media) and their ilk, we know all too well what they claim is wrong with America. But do they have a ghost of an idea of how to make it better?? No, they’re too busy doing nothing more than trying to massacre the current office holders so they’ll be voted into office in what will amount to the perception of going with the “lesser of evils.” If they could only see themselves as we others see them: as rabid, repetitious rhetoriticians using worn-out phrases that have lost their significance because time and again it’s been shown that they’re just not true. A lie told a thousand times is still a lie.
There’s an old theory that says that if you hear something enough times you’ll begin to believe it’s true. Well, I think the liberals/democrats have proven that false. But that’s not to say they don’t still believe it themselves. And it’s like a disease. If you refuse to accept treatment (open eyes and ears, listen, think, evaluate), you’re bound to succumb to the smoke and mirrors, bold-faced lies, innuendo, propaganda and fantasy that’s in the very air we breathe. And it’s treatment that the liberals/democrats are convinced you won’t accept, so that you’ll surely catch what’s going around. And your weakened immune system (common sense, nationalism, global view) will numb your senses to the point where you’ll fall for their drivel, no matter how inane, incomprehensible or idiotic.
I’d give the liberals/democrats a break if they could just SHOW me what they would do. And, NO, I won’t accept the empty promise of “We’ve got a better way” unless they say even in general terms, much less specific ones, what that better way IS!! Short of that, they’re just pissin’ into the wind.
And you know what, I for one am with the wind on this one!
Thursday, September 07, 2006
I consider it one of the greatest luxuries I’ve ever experienced and yet one I wonder if I’ll ever experience again. And it saddens me to think that our future generations may not ever even imagine it, much less experience it for themselves.
What am I talking about?
It’s all about waking up every morning without worrying whether some crazed fanatic with dynamite strapped to his chest is going to step into the street and blow me and who knows how many other innocent people to smithereens. It’s about looking into the sky and seeing planes flying overhead and not having the specter of 9/11 send a shudder of fear down my spine. It’s about feeling free to live my life without feeling the hatred of people who don’t know me but still want me dead.
We are in the midst of a chain reaction that, unchecked, will forever change not only the face of the earth but may result in the extinction of the human race. We victims are not the only innocent pawns in a game the outcome of which may soon be totally out of control. Will it be Iran? North Korea? Venezuela? Is there enough good in this world left to defeat the growing evil?
Rhetoric is not the answer. Playing by rules that the enemy does not follow assures them the upper hand, because playing nice when they play nasty undeniably stacks the deck against us. Allowing the media to undermine our war effort with propaganda, lies and innuendo is pure treason. If we’re serious about our freedom, our country and our way of life, let’s get serious about protecting them.
Winning the War on Terror is the ONLY ANSWER. Until the last terrorist is caught and brought to justice—and in memory of the thousands innocent American lives lost—let USA stand for
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
That's what we've heard for a long time, since we were kids. You have to be tough, ruthless and willing to abandon your principles and convictions if you really really really want to win. Some (liberals, democrats and their ilk) would say that that is a bad thing. Depends on what you're trying to win. Like the War on Terror. Nice guys, in the liberal mold, would have us politely apologize for intruding into the Middle East, drop our weapons and turn tail and skedaddle back home like a Momma's boy.
I mean, who ever heard of extending rights and privileges we have earned through our own national blood, sweat and tears to those who want us wiped off the planet??!! Yet that's where we stand, and that's THE major obstacle to our success. You can't be Mr. Nice Guy and play by rules that the enemy scoffs at and uses to their own advantage. How hard is that to comprehend?? Must be pretty difficult for armchair generals in Congress who preach withdrawing from Iraq and bringing home the troops, as in one candidate's ad "to a hero's welcome" to finesse votes. How can you chicken out and be considered a hero?? Don't be hornswoggled!! Don't let the fancy dancers and slick talkers suck you in!!!
If we want to win this contentious War on Terror—and I believe, deep down, every single red-blooded American with an honest heart and sincere soul, let alone half a mind, wants us to win—we can’t keep turning the other cheek, backing down and treating our enemies like our best friends. We need to exert resolve, determination and might—not against ourselves—but against this cancer of humanity that will consume us unless we eradicate it once and for all!! Plain and simple. No need to over-analyze. No need to quibble. Larry the Cable Guy says it best: GIT-R-DONE!
Wednesday, August 30, 2006
We used to be “…one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.” Thanks to the evolution and revolution of modern politics in America, we see that, part and parcel, the vestiges of our American way of life are being systematically dismantled, disfigured and denied. No longer are we one nation, thanks to liberal democrats who have so diluted our essence as to cause us to question our very existence. Those same self-proclaimed citizens are making headway in expunging any semblance of the religious foundation on which America was built. Indivisible? Hardly. If you listen to what the liberal democrats have to say, each and every one of us is either left or wrong. Liberties…why, they’re being threatened, trampled or tossed out on a daily, if not hourly, basis in our legislatures from cities all the way to Washington. Justice for all? Not likely, with judges jeopardizing our judicial system shamelessly showcasing purposeful, purely political pontifications. About the only thing left “for all” of us is doubt, despair and disillusion.
Why? The answer to that simple question is so sinister in its simplicity that it boggles the mind when you stop to think about it. In a nutshell, it’s not about what’s best for the American people. It has nothing to do with seeking the logical or ethical course to take to solve our problems. It’s all about winning, taking back control, regaining lost power and prestige. It’s all about blaming, blocking and bashing Republicans from the President on down so as to foment fractious ferver. Truth is not necessarily based on facts, but meticulously manufactured to mesmerize the masses. The American people are innocent victims in this terrible turf tug-o-war.
Once a nation of compromise, contemplation and cooperation, we’ve become a polarized population polluted by propaganda. We’re told how to live, who to believe and what to think. We’re force fed mental fast food that is rotting our brains and wasting our lives. What used to be a shared sentiment of shades of gray has become a blatantly baseless bracketing of everything from civil rights to foreign policy into either black or white, wrong or right, in or out.
I fault liberal democrats for having the unmitigated gall to engage in underhanded, street fighting tactics. And I fault the conservatives and Republicans for letting them get away with it. But even more fundamental than that, I fault myself for getting sucked in to play their foolish game in the first place. We’re not sheep anymore. We’re more educated, more informed and more aware than ever before. But we’re still at the mercy of those we elect. Those “in power” and those fighting tooth and nail to, like the jackals they personify, win for the sole purpose of winning…without a plan, without an agenda, without a clue. And then there’s the concept of fixing things that aren’t broken.
So, that exactly am I trying to say? It’s time to let common sense replace nonsense. It’s either that or we self-implode, making our nation, our people and our way of life vulnerable to those who wish to see us erased from the face of the Earth. Even sadder, if we don’t do something soon, we will eventually end up doing ourselves in and saving our enemies the trouble.
Bury the hatchet. Drop your guns. Work together. For the sake of our ancestors whose wisdom founded the fragile freedoms we enjoy. And for the sake of our future generations who deserve nothing less than the bountiful blessings we behold. And that means everybody—politicians, the media, interest groups, citizens at large. If we are indeed “…one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all,” let’s start acting like it!!
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
Sunday, August 20, 2006
That's what we're dealing with right now, people. Liberals and/or democrats have "shamed" our country into assuming that our enemies, terrorists--without without national sanction, national identity or national boundaries—warrant the respect and protection of the Geneva Convention governing their treatment as prisoners of war. That’s a fool’s argument, since our enemies are neither honorable nor respectable. They use children as shields. They consider killing innocent civilians a means to their evil end, and by their cowardly nature they themselves consider the rules that bind us to be the very weakness that will help them defeat us. They certainly have no intention of honoring either the spirit or the letter of the law with regard to adversarial encounters. Their aim is to kill each and every one of us, whether onsie-twosie or by the thousands. Every leniency we afford them is nothing less than aiding and abetting their genocidal agenda.
War is not the stuff of dinner table conversations and bedtime stories. It’s nasty, it’s mean, it’s ugly (particularly as illustrated by those rabid for our annihilation). It’s the shame the media don’t have the conscience and patriotism to refuse to air our military’s dirty linens for all the world to see. If I didn’t know better (and I truly DON’T), I’d think the media, fueled by the foaming-at-the-mouth liberals, longs for our defeat for the simply stupid satisfaction of saying “I told you so.” It’s almost like for the media to win, we have to lose. And every chance they get, they show our weaknesses, our failures and our “inhumanity to man.” They glorify our enemies and paint them as unwitting victims.
If we’re to win this war, and I believe it IS a war that we deserve to win, as much for those who innocently died on 9/11 and events before and after that are symptoms of the worst disease our people and our nation have ever known as for our children and grandchildren who, God willing, will continue to enjoy life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Though now, those inalienable rights are no longer guaranteed. They must be fought for and protected every second of every day.
Our military is facing the greatest challenge in our history, up against enemies that scurry like roaches in the night, whose ideology is that of madmen. And as the subject of this post illustrates, if you send a mad dog to obedience school, he might learn a few manners, but, after all is said and done, he’ll still be a mad dog. And mad dogs don’t deserve to be treated like their normal, sane counterparts. To defeat our enemy, we have to fight them on their barbaric level. We cannot deal either diplomatically nor in the traditional military manner with animals. To do so is to usher in our own peril. Either we fight fire with fire or we go down in flames. The Geneva Convention is now a part of history. Since 9/11, such doctrine can not be associated with the present and its possible reappearance in the future is doubtful at best.
Friday, August 18, 2006
Here’s the long and the short of it: I won’t debate whether going into
Thursday, August 17, 2006
Okay, I’ve got absolutely nothing against Abraham Lincoln. I never knew him. But we did study him in school. He seemed like a pretty cool guy. He did some pretty cool things, like ending slavery. Heck, he MUST have been pretty special; they put his likeness on the penny. The one cent coin endured times of tragedy and times of triumph, the great depression, the space age, two world wars,
I’m sort of ambivalent about the whole idea. Since I was a kid, I’ve been fascinated by coins, particularly old coins. Some of my most prized possessions are Indian head and wheat pennies. Okay, so the Indian heads don’t include
So, if we do away with the penny, how does that affect our monetary mainframe? Well, the next step up is the nickel. Without pennies, things would be priced in increments of five cents. It only follows that taxation would also default to the nickel, thereby causing revenuers to either drop or raise taxes accordingly. And if you think any city, county, state or the Fed is going to rush to reduce sales, income or capital gains taxes to the next lower level, think again. In fact, think five more times, actually. No, that ain’t gonna happen. So get ready to pay more taxes if the penny bites the dust.
I wonder if the legacy of the last red cent might represent the next domino to fall. Some countries around the world have suffered such inflationary infections that they’ve done away with coins altogether, leaving pockets devoid of metal and at the same time stuffing wallets to the brim with a plethora of paper. Physics works here, too. What you give up in metal, you gain (usually and then some) in paper. This could also have a psychological element. Folding money has a much more pleasant connotation than the mere flip of a coin. Which sounds like more, a dollar bill or a hundred pennies?
Modern vending machines now take bills. Beyond that, some of them even take credit cards. And I don’t know of a coin slot anywhere that will take a penny without instantaneously coughing up the copper. Penny candy has gone the way of the idea of “dialing” a telephone number. Who’ll suffer most? Oh, probably coin collectors who will breathe a sigh of nostalgia when there’s no copper coins to covet, collect and commercialize.
Seems like the bookends are closing in on us. I can’t remember when, but we’ve already seen the demise of the half dollar coin. That was one of my favorites as a kid. I’d sometimes get one as a birthday gift, and just holding one in your hand made you feel like you were rich. Back then I WAS rich when I had one. Is the penny an endangered species? Will the one cent coin be next, closing us in from the bottom of the heap? And will the erstwhile nickel, dime and quarter remain to rule the numismatic realm? Penny…er, make that a nickel for your thoughts!?
Wednesday, August 16, 2006
Liberal democrats and their “destroy the Conservative Republican machine at any cost” hell-bent jihad are one of the reasons we haven’t won the war on terrorism. Wanna know why? (As it it weren’t as plain as the noses on their ugly mugs) I can sum it up in one simple word: PROFILING. That’s the term the liberals would have you think is as evil as those it’s designed to ferret out and eliminate. Here’s an analogy that should make it perfectly clear. Say I’m walking down the street, minding my own business, when all of a sudden, a large black dog runs up and bites me in the leg. After I regain my composure, seek medical attention and come to my senses, I decide to report the incident to the police. The police, naturally, will want a description of the perpetrator. I honestly and succinctly describe the derelict doggie to law enforcement officials. They, in turn, will (at least in this fictional illustration, since, Lord knows, they have bigger fish to fry than to chase after critter criminals) devise a strategy to locate, apprehend and bring the furry felon to justice. So, what do you think they’re gonna do? Do you think that, because the liberals condemn PROFILING as discriminatory, they’re NOT going to check out every large black dog they encounter?? Not if they want to catch the one that bit me!! How is harassing little white cats and poodles and
That leads me to another important point. While the bulk of terrorism is founded, centered and mainly conducted out of the Middle Eastern region, that’s not to say that terrorism doesn’t exist elsewhere in the world. As we’ve come to learn the hard way only to have the realization reinforced too many times already since 9/11, terrorists don’t just live and ply their trade in the
The bottom line: PROFILING works!! It is an essential, indispensable tool to bring in terrorists. But it doesn’t stop there, folks. It’s like the ad campaign question: “What does an alcoholic look like?” There’s no cut and dried, simple answer. It could be any one of us. And, if we want to preserve our free society, our way of life, we’ve got to allow ourselves to WIN the war, even if it means a little inconvenience. Liberals—and anyone—who condemn PROFILING are as evil as those such condemnation shields, protects and allows to slither in our midst.
Why don't we allow our military and law enforcement to freely PROFILE??
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
Blame it on the Media!!
Last time I checked, we were at war. How can you tell? Because the newspapers and radio and television bombard the senses with information better left unreported. Not only because it's stuff we don't necessarily want or need to hear, but because it obviously can and too often does put our longevity in jeopardy. How, you ask. Here's how.
1. Again, remember we ARE at war. One of the most ridiculous things I ever heard of was the concept of the "embedded reporter." That's liberal-speak for anti-administration spy. Not only do they even think once, much less twice, before they spew their sabotage to the winds, but could care less that what they "inform" might result in helping our enemies and putting our own troops at much greater risk than if they'd kept their mouths shut and their spin machines turned off. So much for the idea that what we don't know can't hurt us. What we learn from the media is rarely if ever good, helpful, or a source of truth. If ever there was a case for human shields, how about our troops on the front line with their "embedded cohorts" leading the way?!
2. Politics infects the masses. Both those inside and those on the outside intent on destroying peace, progress and prosperity, and for the sake of winning no matter the cost or the consequences. The politicians light the fires, but it's the media that throws gasoline on them! Too many times the lunatic left has been caught lying, stretching and inventing news to fit their agenda of destroying the reputation, record and respect of ourselves, our way of life and, disgracefully, our nation's leader. Bad news travels fast. Yeah, like nano-seconds fast. That's how long it takes to "enlighten" the world and make bad things worse. If it were up to me, the media would be shut down on covering the war, except to report on the surrender of the terrorists, or even better, reporting their obituaries. And as far as the politicians who leak detrimental details about our war effort and the "information" agencies that repeat them, I say they should all be given swift trials, convict them of treason and either hang them of let them stand before firing squads. Come on, people!! We're at WAR!!! Show me the media and I'll show you unchecked, unmonitored and unmitigated Weapons of Mass Destruction!!!
Okay, I'm better now. If you agree, here's a cyber high-five back atcha! If not, I'd love to hear what you've got to say. Yeah, really!